Wild Thing Presents & Tone Deaf Proudly Present...
Established early 2014, Sydneyʼs premier new export, Glass Ocean, will hit select venues across our East Coast this May - through-June, in support of their second EP scheduled for early May.
Glass Ocean are an absolute must-see, and hear. A modern take on the progressive pop of the late 1900ʼs, but oh-so- perfectly sugar coated with a subtle hint of pure and incorruptible sensuality. Itʼs not enough that the musicians in this incredible four piece wield the chops to execute the most immaculate delivery of such a sexy beast.
They are a true musical ʻexperienceʼ in every sense of the word, and, if they happen to be visiting your home town during this tour, youʼd do very well to get out and treat your ears to their sublime tones.
Supported by a ʻcream-of-the-cropʼ handful of local talent, this release and tour are sure to create a lasting stir within our industry, only further instilling the presence of this amazing and unique young four piece.